What have I done? 

Feature Film Experience

The Prince of Persia                                                Jerry Bruckheimer Films                             Insert Shoot Producer
The A-Team                                                                          Scott Free Films                                                                   Insert Shoot Producer

Commercials Produced 

John Lewis, Samsung, American Express, Coca-Cola, Sainsbury's, ING Bank, Red Bull, BP, Pepsi, Barclaycard, Ikea, Paralympics, Highland Spring, AT&T, Kelloggs, Universal Studios, Kia, Nissan, Castrol, Ford, Citroen, adidas, Nike, Hyundai, Clear, KFC, Orange, 3 mobile, McDonalds, Prestone, Citizens Bank, Enel, Dyson, The Co-operative, Goodyear, Asda, Skyr, MoneySuperMarket and many more. 


Dougal Wilson, Benito Montorio, Nick Ball, Matthijs Van Heijningen, The Bobbsey Twins, Luke Scott, Los Perez, Adam Hashemi, Martin Krejci, Tim Bullock, Brett Foraker, Stylewar, Torben Kjelstrup, Mark Molloy and many many more. 

Production Companies 

2013 – 2020 – Blink Productions 2007 – 2013 – RSA Films 

Prior to 2004 Malcolm Venville Films/ Large Films / Stark Films as well as some freelancing in between for Knucklehead and Tomato 


2016 - Gold Lion for Achievements in Production 

Thanks mainly to Dougal Wilson I’ve also been lucky enough to step on stage at Cannes to collect 

2 x Grand Prix’s for John Lewis and Paralympics 10 Gold, 12 Silver and 2 Bronze Lions 

How did I get here? 

I left Edinburgh University with a B.Eng (Hons) degree, joined the Army where I spent a year at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst getting fit, carrying heavy things, trying to stay awake and if you read the brochure, learning leadership. Three years in the Army followed, where I was lucky enough to spend most of my career running an adventure training centre before I left to join the film industry with the rank of Captain. I quickly worked my way up from set running to Production Assisting, then Management before finally Producing TV commercials. 



Who am I now? 

An enthusiastic, widely experienced expert filmmaker who over the last 22 years in the commercial industry has played key roles in developing, negotiating, budgeting and shooting films. 

My fundamental skill as a Producer is to strategically plan and budget a production then execute it by communicating and negotiation. I am also experienced in all aspects of production including contractual negotiation for talent, film permitting for locations, rights clearance for props and licensing for stock footage. My passion is for film making narrative and the creative process of communicating and engaging the audience through simply telling a story or communicating an idea via film. 

Where have I filmed? 

France, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Italy, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Canada, USA, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Uraguay, Australia, India, UAE, Morocco, Kenya, Ukraine and South Africa. 

How do you contact me? 

Call or email RED

Call me on +447798 756 875
e-mail me at ewenbrown@mac.com